College Sports RD Starter Program
The Sports RD Starter Pack is designed to guide Sports RD's in building out a college nutrition department. This bundle includes hundreds of resources designed to save you hours on content and program creation so you can spend more time with your athletes and create a better work-life balance!
Why the College RD Starter Program?
What is the College Sports RD Starter Program?
The College Sports RD Starter Program is a collection of customizable sports nutrition resources designed to decrease the time and energy Sports RDs spend creating content, presentations, order forms, and handouts in a college athletic department.
The program provides education and guidance on using the resources making it a great option for Registered dietitians or RD 2 Be's new to their role.
Handouts, presentations, social media content and more!
On-boarding paperwork, ordering forms, food service resources
Video content and step-by-step modules on building a sports nutrition department
What is Included?
- 15+ customizable presentations covering a variety of sports nutrition topics ($1500 value)
- Over 200 customizable sports nutrition handouts ($500 value)
- 22+ order forms for pre and post-game meal ($100 value)
- Example meal plan templates using exchanges and the Performance Plate Method ($100 value)
- Energy Availability Calculator ($50 value)
- Fueling station signage ($100 value)
- Restaurant and Hotel Educational Resources
- Over 20 Fueling Timelines for training and competition days ($200 value)
- Foodservice resources like order forms and smoothie recipes ($300 value)
- Helpful handouts for building out and running an Intern Program ($300 value)
- Live Support from the RBSN team through a private Facebook community where you can ask questions and gain advice from other professionals in the field
- Monthly Q&A with Reilly and RBSN team
- Private Podcast Episodes on topics related to sports nutrition, business, social media, building and leading an athletic department.
- CEU opportunities (coming soon!)
Total Value: +$3150
But you can receive it at a discounted price today!
All the resources you need to stop spending hours on content creation, feel confident with your athletes and improve your work life balance!